Deep Dish Swift '24 - Day One

The second (annual?) Deep Dish Swift conference started today, and like last year, day one was full of great talks. Although YouTuber Stewart Lynch had to cancel due to illness, we still had a great first day.

The standout talk from day one (for me) was the opening keynote by Sommer Panage. An honest and brave talk about identity, career, and burnout. All things I think about a fair bit. In particular, I appreciated her honesty around being too hard on ourselves.

We learned about how Swift evolves from James Dempsey, with a great follow-up-anecdote-style, talk from Matt Massicotte about his own experience helping do just that. Matt had me laughing out loud.

Dave Delong delivered a mind-bending talk titled, The Temporal Axis of Space-Time, where he went deep on how we might have better luck solving Date related programming problems if we simply changed the way think about them. It definitely got me thinking and even helped me solve a bug that plagued me months ago.

Jamie Blumberg and Jay Soumphount shared their experience porting an app to the Vision Pro, with some interesting things to consider when making the leap.

All in all, it was a very solid day one at Deep Dish.

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